4 successful steps to earn more through a money app

Most people search for ways online to have additional income to meet their expenses. Working online helps them have a flexible schedule and an opportunity to earn more. A bank loan referral program is one of the most successful ways to make money online today. Nevertheless, it is not easy to find a potential referral program and a bank that you can rely upon.
This blog helps you learn more about a lucrative personal loan referral program from IDFC FIRST Bank. With the MyFIRST Partner App, the bank allows the partners to earn money through mobile easily. If you have a flair for networking, you can use this opportunity to make money online without investment. IDFC FIRST Bank’s earn money application allows you to recommend your friends, family members, and colleagues for a personal loan and receive incentives.
People in financial emergencies seek the help of their trusted relatives or friends for financial assistance or advice. Here, you can help your friends or relatives get a personal loan on flexible terms, which will help build a good relationship with them. In your social circles, you can assist people in getting a personal loan at competitive interest using the referral app.
The MyFIRST Partner personal loan app enables you to refer customers for a personal loan and helps you earn money for each successful loan disbursement. The reward is fixed per referral and paid every fortnight. For this reason, it is the best way to make money online without investment.
Steps to follow to refer and earn money on MyFIRST Partner App
You need to go through 4 essential steps to earn more online through IDFC FIRST Bank’s MyFIRST Partner App.
- Become a referral partner
To become a referral partner, you do not have to invest any money or put in a lot of time. The earn money application helps you make money online and is less complicated and rewarding. To become a referral partner, you can download the app and register your name by uploading the documents like:
- A photo
- ID proof or PAN Card
- Address Proof or Aadhaar Card
- Address Details
- Personal Details
Once you have uploaded the scanned copies of the supporting documents, you will get an OTP on your mobile for verification. After the verification process, you become a personal loan referral partner of IDFC FIRST Bank.
- Help get personal loans for your customers
Once you have done with the earn money app download and registration, you can start getting referrals for the program using the mouth-to-mouth marketing method. You can approach your friends, colleagues, or neighbours with the best personal loan offers and help them get a personal loan without any collateral. If they are satisfied with your service, they will refer you to their friend or relative. With outstanding service, you can get more referrals and earn more.
- Check the loan eligibility of your referrals
If you wish to get 100 percent success, then ensure that the customers you refer to are eligible for a personal loan. For this, you can check the CBIL score of the person, as well as the repaying capacity. This way, you can gain the trust of your customers and the bank. With this personal loan bank app, you can follow up on the application status of your customers and update the loan application status.
- Receive money after the disbursement of the loan amount
A significant feature of this refer and earn money app is that you receive incentives after every loan disbursement. With high customer satisfaction, you get more referrals and income.
If you are keen on earning money online, you can start right now by downloading the IDFC FIRST Bank’s MyFIRST Partner App.