
Access Management – One Name To Control A Lot Of User Processes

Access management is also referred to as AM and this represents the process of tracking, identifying, managing, and controlling authorized users or even specified users to an application, a system or any IT purpose. The term access management is a broad concept encompassing the methodologies, processes, policies, and tools to maintain the privilege of access within an IT environment.

What is it about?

Access management basically is about information security, data governance, and IT process employed in offering access to the valid users and thereby restricting the invalid user’s entry. AM is normally used in association with identity access management, where it creates, controls different users, groups, roles, and policies, whereas AM ascertains these policies and roles are followed.  A system or application that is AM based stores different roles of the user and their profiles. As the businesses grow, the individual users access the tools within a system at the required time and this includes access to security requirements, external applications and also permissions.

Today, the challenges arise with the growth of the companies and the employees who handle varying responsibilities and roles increase with the use of external enterprise solutions. An access management mainly assists in offering a flawless way of managing the user identities and also the required access in one place.

What does access management permit the user?

The access management allows the user to secure access to services and these are the IT administrators who know the resources in an organization for all the users’ access. This is done easily using a universal directory.

Using this universal directory, the users can be managed or created individually or in groups. They can be assigned permission depending on the attributes of the user on the cloud-based solution. As you use the universal directory, users can access directly through a sign-on solution, thus it means fewer resets of password for IT and for other departments a more streamlined workflow.

You may ascertain this compliance with the security policies of the organization. It also means you can enforce the password policies group-based or companywide.  However, ensure to keep options for complexity. There should be an additional security layer for mobile users. Thus, specific employees may be offered access to premium systems or apps, with the required authentication when needed. This helps the organization reduce data breaches and phishing risk.

Finally, there is a need for integrating with leading HR software so that there is seamless synchronization between the app access and the user records. The resulting features should entail group push, rich extended profiles, role assignment, and license.

 Setting up user access management

Setting up access management is simple if you have a methodical approach. There is a need for access management as it allows staying connected to unlimited directories, and if you possess an app that the users are already making use of, the system allows you to easily import those users.  The access management allows ensuring security, changing formats and also creating new apps that are required, including usage in actual time.

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