RAMS for Contractors

Whether working on an offshore project or a site on land, contractors are always instructed to deliver RAMS documentation prior to any work being able to start. It has been a problem for many years that a delay in projects are inevitable due to contractors turning up without the relevant documents filled out, or missing risk assessments and method statements all together. For health and safety reasons and an effective management of any site, this can cause frustrating delays and a knock-on effect to project deadlines and budget costs. With the assistance of an effective site management system you can ensure that all relevant documents are included in induction and easily accessed from a single point, minimising delays to projects.
In order to create a working environment that is safe and efficient for all contractors and visitors at any time, it is important that the site and each individual person has an understanding of all potential hazards and risks present. They should also be made aware of the processes and protocols in place to limit the risk of these identified hazards and understand their own personal responsibilities and obligations, depending on the specific role and equipment to be used during the contract.
The person responsible for health and safety on a site is also the person who must create a method statement. This contains a list of all risks that have been identified, as well as a formal risk assessment for each individual role that will be required for the project to be completed. Within the method statement there should be detail about the exact location of the areas where work and specific tasks will take place, a list of all plant and equipment to be used throughout the duration of the project, as well as all permits to work that will be required by contractors accepted to work on the project. The method statement should also include all information relating to the identification of hazards and the proactive approach to limiting exposure to those hazards and controlling all risks from hazardous substances and materials, exposure to noise and limiting any potential danger to the public.
The method statement and risk assessment will only be of use if they are created thoroughly and effectively. It is important to have a site management tool in place that allows for careful induction of all contractors and a clear, simple place for all relevant documentation to be found easily by site managers and those inducting new contractors to the site.
It is so frustrating to have a project delayed before it has even really begun. If you are reliant on a large number of contractors to work on a project where there is a challenging environment, logistical problems and many heavy equipment and machinery to be aware of, it is important that all risk assessments and method statements (RAMS) are fully filled out and delivered before work begins. For even one contractor to fail to do so, or to only begin finding the documents as they arrive on site, can cause many problems for any project, no matter the size and location of the site. An effective site management tool can be integrated into all aspects of a project to ensure that induction is thorough, preferably online, and that all documents can be accessed quickly and accurately for expediency.