How To Cope When Road Works Are Affecting Your Business

Running a business located on a busy street is one of the best ways to introduce your brand and gain customers. However, a busy street may often require road construction to accommodate the fast-paced community better. The bad news? Construction road work can take a toll on your business and can be a massive inconvenience to you and your customers.
Most people will agree that road construction near your business location can cause clients to avoid that street near you. A lower number of customers visiting your business is every entrepreneur’s nightmare. Why? The reason is that it drives customers away along with your revenue.
Good Read: Don’t let roadwork shut down your small business
If you’re anticipating roadwork or already has a road construction problem on your business location, here’s what you can do to cope.
Get Yourself Informed Of The Latest Roadwork Projects Near You
The Department of Public Works and Department of Transportation, make sure to keep their websites updated of any pending construction plans. Take time to check on their announcements and see if any road work is scheduled near your area.
Join An Alliance
When it comes to politics, more voices means a higher chance of being heard. By joining or organizing a citizens group, you can navigate a specific road project and voice out your concerns. This can affect the roadwork project in a way that the government will increase its pace so that the road construction will finish earlier to accommodate the business owner’s plea.
Check For A Construction Mitigation Program
Most cities in the United States offer some construction mitigation services to business owners whose companies are affected by roadworks near their area. It includes placing of signages noting business are still open and accessible while others offer a more relaxed approach when it comes to parking areas. Others provide loans or cash to help business owners cope with the loss of revenue that the roadwork brought in the area.
Befriend The Road Construction Crew
There is no point in arguing with road crews and contractors. Sure, their unitfine separator machinery may be annoying to look at, and their mixer is blocking your signage, or the grinder is annoying your ears, but they are are only doing their job. Make it easier for both parties as you can also use this opportunity to know reliable information about their project.
Good Read: Earth-Moving Heavy Equipment for Construction
Take Advantage Of Media Exposure
Usually, when there are major roadworks currently in operation, the media gets involved telling the public of the best possible ways to navigate around that area. The thing is, this can either be good or bad for your business. For example, they showed in the news that unitfine machinery is blocking the street on your business location. You can deal with this by having one of your representatives use media coverage to tell your story. This way, you can let clients know that your business is still open, where they can park or what is the best way to reach your business location.
Don’t Forget To Get Social
Always keep your website and social media followers up-to-date. Stay in touch with customers by using your online platforms. Post maps on where the best route is to reach your business, your store hours, and dates on when the road construction will start and finish. Offer rewards to loyal clients who still manage to visit your company and always thank them for their unwavering support.
Author Bio:- Rach Andi is a content writer who helps small business owners build their brand through quality content creation. When not working, she’s either watching reruns of her favorite TV shows or on an island somewhere with her dog.